Previous part: [Twisted Wonderland] ツイステ Chapter 7 – 269-277
‼️ Hi guys, I didn’t have time to translate a while ago, but I’ll try to catch up on the 121 to 191 v
ツイステッドワンダーランド 動画まとめ ツイステッドワンダーランド関連の動画をまとめました
Previous part: [Twisted Wonderland] ツイステ Chapter 7 – 269-277
‼️ Hi guys, I didn’t have time to translate a while ago, but I’ll try to catch up on the 121 to 191 v
29:35 “Someone’s head will ROLL for this!!!!” *sees the group* “YOURS~!!!!”
Love how they tie in the film in these!
30:25 And Leona said one of Scar’s lines!!!
Yuu-…you know…I’ve tried to forget those scary moments from that movie but now its ten times worse thanks alot Riddle.
28:51 Now that’s just diabolical XD
Things went from bad to hell in seconds.
Asking someone if they’re awake has never sounded so terrifying lol
Have more faith in yourself, Idia. You’re a Shroud for Pete’s sake. Y’all are big brains
Thank you for your hard work today. In 12:13, the way Riddle cried so hard, it really shows the trauma he endured no thanks to that no-good, judgmental, prejudiced, snotty, horrible, tiger parent. And yikes, looks like Malleus is onto Idia for being “Awake”.
Thank you for taking the time to post these translations <333 I hope you're having an amazing day/night!